Mergers & Acquisitions Articles

David Tobin Speaks with Business Owners at IPREX

Written by TobinLeff | Oct 31, 2022 5:37:00 PM

Planning for M&A Success: Insights from TobinLeff’s Founder, David Tobin

As a serial entrepreneur who founded, grew, and crafted exit strategies for four companies of his own., David Tobin (Founder and Managing Partner of TobinLeff) has a unique understanding of what its like to build, grow, and transition a business.

With firsthand experience as a business owner and decades of industry expertise, David Tobin brings a unique perspective to helping businesses . Drawing from both his professional and personal journey, David recently shared his insights with agency owners on how to maximize and monetize their business value during a presentation hosted by IPREX Global Communication.

Key takeaways from the M&A conversation included:

  • M&A Market TrendsDavid shared the latest trends in the mergers and acquisitions market, offering a snapshot of the buy- and sell-side opportunities shaping today’s M&A landscape. In-depth understanding these trends is essential for identifying the right time and strategy to transition your business. He highlighted key opportunities and challenges faced by both buyers and sellers, offering actionable insights to help business owners navigate this dynamic landscape.

  • Pathways for Growth and Succession Planning — David led a discussion on potential pathways for business owners considering growth or preparing for leadership transitions. From succession planning to exploring exit options, it's important to begin with the end in mind.

  • Standing Out in the Market  How differentiating your business is critical to selling for an above-market rate. David shared strategies for enhancing the appeal of a business to potential buyers.

When Should You Start Exit Planning?

It's never too early to start planning for the future of your business. You’ve invested years of effort into building your company—your exit plan deserves the same level of attention and care. By taking proactive steps, business owners can ensure that they are positioned to maximize their earnings and achieve their exit planning goals.

To start creating your exit plan, visit our Resources page or contact us today to take the next step in your business journey.